International Youth Center
Welcome to Belgium!
Briefly about us
DemoTerra is a territory where everyone has equal rights and opportunities, where leadership, management and relationships are built on trust and respect for each other, where love and kindness triumph.
We develop our activities in different directions, but we consider the main achievement of our Center to be the Saturn training and health camp, which unites young people from different countries and different cultures.
For whatever purpose you come to our camp: just to relax, improve your health or, while traveling, learn a foreign language - you will spend time in a friendly, cheerful and creative atmosphere with your peers and, at the same time, get the practice of communicating in English, French, Dutch, Russian languages.
In the process of informal communication, the culture and history of the states where the children come from are better learned.
But we are all united by FRIENDSHIP, which forever connects the hearts of those who have visited our camp at least once.
Our doors are open for new friends, for interesting meetings and new adventures!

Implementation of activities and projects that contribute to the development of socio-cultural policies and equal opportunities for young people
Promotion of youth tourism and cultural exchange between people, institutions, youth groups and associations of Belgium and the countries of the Caucasus and Eastern Europe, participation in the organization and conduct of collective recreation of children and adolescents from various European countries.
Creating and strengthening bonds of friendship and solidarity between the youth of Belgium and Eastern Europe through cultural exchange.
Development of partnerships for the organization of active recreation (sports, cultural events, school holidays, international camps, etc.) of young people living in Belgium and in the countries of Western and Eastern Europe.